V2/Concepts/Preparing for User Creation

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What is needed to create a User

Note: Mandatory information are marked with an ‘*’.

This section helps you to prepare information you need to create a User.


If this is your first time creating a User, please read this guide first.

Before starting to create a User, you will need to decide what Role the User should be assigned and if the User needs to be assigned to an Access group. A User requires a Role to be assigned to it before the User can use Senfi's services. If the Role has not been created, proceed to create the Role before attempting to create the User. Please read this guide to learn about Roles and how to create a Role.

If you decide that the User should be assigned to an Access group, and the Access group has not been created yet, do proceed to create the Access group before attempting to create the User. You can read this guide to learn about Access group and how to create an Access group.

General Information

Full name of User.
Contact email of User.
Username used to login to Senfi. The Username is unique and cannot be changed once User has been created.
Role of User. Decides the User's permissions to perform certain actions in Senfi.
To be enabled if User is using Single Sign-on for authentication purposes.
Appears only if OIDC ID option is enabled. It's the same ID used for the User in your organization's chosen OpenID Identity Provider.
Appears only if OIDC ID option is disabled. It's the password used to login to Senfi services via Normal sign-in.
Confirm Password*
Repeat the password in the password field for confirmation no typo is introduced during password creation.

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